Published articles about LBB
- Lie Back and Relax! A Look at Laid-Back Breastfeeding Published in La Leche League USA website by Yael Breimer on February 28, 2017
- Biological Nurturing: The Laid-Back Breastfeeding Revolution. Published in by Suzanne Colson (first appeared in Midwifery Today, issue 101, Spring 2012)
- Laid-back breastfeeding benefits and uses. Published in NCT First 1,000 days new parent support.
- Laid-Back Breastfeeding: Is it as good as it sounds? Published in by Sara McTigue on March 28, 2020. Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT.
- The effectiveness of the laid-back position in lactation-related nipple problems and comfort: a meta-analysis . Published by BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 21(1), 248 by Wang, Z., Liu, Q., Min, L., & Mao, X. (2021).
- 8 Benefits For Laid Back Breastfeeding, How To Do And Tips. Published in by Dr Bisny T. Joseph (MD) on Oct 31, 2022. Reviewed by Mary Miller, MA, IBCLC.
- Laid-Back Breastfeeding. Published in by Nancy Morhbacher July 18, 2010.
- Breastfeeding: New Reclining Technique. Published in Oh Baby Magazine (Issue #24)
Biological Nurturing: Instinctual Breastfeeding by Suzanne Colson (2019) Purchase here
- An introduction to Biological Nurturing: New Angles on Breastfeeding by Suzanne Colson RM, PhD. (2010) Purchase here
- Breastfeeding Solutions: Quick Tips for the Most Common Nursing Challenges by Nancy Mohrbacher IBCLC, FILCA (2013), Purchase here
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League’s Diane Wiessinger, Diana West and Teresa Pitman (2010)
Purchase here
LBB Videos
- Sample of Biological Nurturing(from the Biological Nurturing website)
- Laid Back Breastfeeding by Breastfeeding Success - (Watch below)
- Natural breastfeeding for an easier startfrom the Natural Breastfeeding website
- Natural breastfeeding How-tos(series of short clips from the above video)
- Laid Back Breastfeeding for Mothers (Trailer) by Suzanne Colson R.M., Ph.D. and Kittie Franz RN, CPNP-PC. (Watch below). Purchase the full video in many formats @ Geddes Productions.
Professionals who work with a Laid-Back Breastfeeding approach
New Zealand
- Gerry (Geraldine) Smith @ Elevation Lactation Consultancy
Jojo Hogan @
Slow Postpartum